Phoenix Earth Food Coop
Annual Meeting
October 25, 2020
WebEx Virtual Toledo, OH

In Attendance: Members & Staff: Hermann von Grafenstein, Anita Levin, Sándor Halász, Alyx Kendzierski, Tom Fine, Claudia Cooper, Maureen Ciesinski, Shelly Boraby, Sean Fitzgerald, Leah Foley, Hal Hamer, Bob Avery, Sean Nestor, Karen Porter, Veronica Murphy, Carlton Surtman, Janice Flahiff, Kay Moesser, Karen Wood, Denis White, Bev Bingle, Kristen Palmer, Cheri Williams, Ken Lempert; Non Member: Betsy Bennett

  1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to Order at 4:30 PM.

    President Hermann von Grafenstein established a quorum with Sándor Halászand Anita Levin.

    Proof of Announcement of this meeting established by timely email, social media and posting at the Coop

    Welcome by President Hermann von Grafenstein.

  2. Introduction of Board and Staff
    1. President Hermann von Grafenstein
    2. Vice President Adrienne Armstrong - not present
    3. Secretary Anita Levin
    4. Treasurer Tom Fine
    5. Claudia Cooper
    6. Alyx Kendzierski
    7. Adrienne Armstrong Outreach chair - Not present
    8. Shelly Boraby
    9. Maureen Ciesinski
    10. Sándor Halász
    11. General Manager Sean Fitzgerald
  3. State of the Coop by President Hermann. Key Accomplishment of this past year highlighted by Hermann. We survived yet another year despite the challenges of COVID-19. We provide a community for our members and shoppers, unlike our competitors. We have increased business and obtained a federal PPP loan. Ongoing programs include Outreach to connect members to each other and to the Coop, which has proven difficult during the pandemic.
  4. General-Manager report by Sean Fitzgerald as distributed on state of store. Compliments the involvement of Board, members and staff. COVID-19 challenges including store policies to insure safety of staff and shoppers, obtaining a used Point of Sales system soon, stable finances.
  5. Financial Report by Treasurer Tom Fine. Snapshot of last year July 2019-2020 and compared to Year 2019. Sales have increased and our overall position with good management has shown a percentage increase, 2 income items are one-time only NCGA dividend and PPP loan/grant.
  6. Election of New Board Members.

    Need to elect 3 new Board members. Nominated, Elected and Announced results; Tom Fine, Adrienne Armstrong, and Maureen Ciesinki, for 3-year terms

  7. Minutes of 2019 Annual Meeting reviewed. MSC to accept the minutes as written and distributed.
  8. Feedback from Members in Attendance to set the direction of the Coop for the next year. What should the coop be and which activities should the coop pursue to increase membership and sales.
  9. Open Discussion: Members suggested mobile delivery option, mask wearing policy and Mobile delivery option be added
  10. New Business: Discussed possibility of coop move. No viable, affordable, and realistic options at this time.
  11. Moved, Seconded, Carried for Adjournment at 6:0PM

Respectfully submitted,
Anita Levin, Secretary