Phoenix Earth Food Co-op (PEFC)
Minutes, Board Meeting 4/17/2013

Location: Third Space Community Center, 137 N. Michigan St. Toledo; Present: David Bohon, Shelly Boraby, Thomas Fine, Sándor Halász, Anita Levin, Sean Nestor, Stephen Vines (arrived during the meeting, see below), Hermann von Grafenstein, Lisa Blake (General Manager, GM). Absent: Pete DeWood. Resolutions are numbered R1–R3.

The meeting began at 5:10pm.

  1. Approval of minutes

    The minutes of the 3/27/2013 board meeting were approved with minor modifications (R1,7/0/0 for/against/abstention).

  2. Review of Policy Register

    Secretary H. von Grafenstein suggested reviewing item G.1.5. of the Co-op's Register of Policies and suggested making the following change:

    Previous text: G.1.5. Board decisions will be made using a consensus process. Decisions will be made by using the unanimous minus two rule.

    New text: Decisions will be made by using the unanimous minus two rule: more than two attending board members are required to block a decision. During the discussion the following alternative wording was used as well: Decisions will be made by using the rule unanimous minus two of attending board members.

    The change was approved (R2, 7/0/0).

    Sean requested that the Policy Register be distributed to all board members as a PDF file.

    Stephen Vines arrived at 5:25pm

  3. NCGA Annual Meeting, reports

    Sean Nestor and Lisa Blake had attended the NCGA'a Annual Meeting and provided reports.

    Sean Nestor summarized information he collected:

    Sean pointed out that many co-ops had problems similar to ours, but managed to overcome them. At a workshop with the purpose of helping medium sized co-ops to grow, several strategies were recommended:

    Lisa Blake added the following to the abovementioned list of successful strategies:

    Lisa reported that the NCGA’a analysis has shown that the downturn many co-ops experienced in 2012 was due to Kroger's move to compete in areas that had been pioneered by co-ops. However, co-ops are generally well liked by their communities, as expressed in statements such as I don't know what I like better, the people or the food.

    Lisa mentioned that CDS Consulting Co-op is a co-op that provides consulting services for other co-ops, especially food co-ops. Having a lawyer who knows cooperative business law is a key point this group is re-iterating. Stephen Vines mentioned that he knew a lawyer who could help and promised to make available the lawyer's the name and contact information. Lisa mentioned that Eric Britton, a member and lawyer should be asked as well.

  4. 4. General Manager's report

    Key points of GM Lisa Blake's report:

  5. Finance Committee report (Tom Fine)

    Although the Committee had not met, Tom felt that progress had been made towards resolving the Jackson Loan dispute. Attorney Scott Ciolek is currently advising the Co-op. Tom’s reading of Scott’s deliberations is that the note is still valid, but cannot be enforced by Mr. Jackson’s heirs because the note is not transferrable. However, a court of law might view the lender’s position more favorable than the debtor’s. During the discussion of the Finance Committee’s report, the following recommendations were made:

  6. 6. Outreach Committee report (Sándor Halász)

    Sandor reported that new members are joining the Co-op week after week. He was asked to include all board members in the Outreach mailing list ( The Co-op should consider having a table at the following events:

    1. The UT’s Annual Earth Fest, Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
      Contact Lauren M. McCafferty,
      The University of Toledo Department of Environmental Sciences
      Sandor and David said that they might be able to volunteer to be at the table.
    2. Going for the Green Conference April 27, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at University Church, 4747 Hill Ave. SJ: Stephen said he will volunteer.
    3. Health and Wellness Fair, May 4th. More information needed.
    4. Lucas County Fair ( July 7-14. [Info added by Sean after the meeting: The contact information for is Heather Fox, who is running the Babyland exhibit at the fair. Her e-mail address is and her phone number is 419-508-6301.]

    Recommended actions for the abovementioned and other events:

  7. Business Plan Committee report (Anita Levin)

    Anita Levin stated that doubling of the membership ranks highly among the goals of the committee. The Toledo Chamber of Commerce was helping, especially in getting the word out about the Co-op. Anita re-iterated that pictures of board members are needed for posting on the Co-op’s website.

  8. 8. Heaven's Garden Buyer's Club policy

    Stephen Vines updated the Board about progress towards establishing a formal relationship between the Co-op and Heaven's Garden Buyer's Club:

    When asked by Tom Fine, Stephen explained that the Buyer’s Club will adhere to the following process:

    9. Adjournment

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm (R3, 7/0/0).

Date of next meeting: Third Wednesday of May (5/15/2013) unless decided otherwise.


Submitted by Hermann von Grafenstein, Secretary