Phoenix Earth Food Co-op Board Meeting
May 20, 2001 2:30 pm to 6:20 pm

Present were: Anita Rios, Theresa Gragg, Steve Miller, Helen Elden, Lisa Blake, Amjad Doumani and Mike Leonardi. At 4:30 pm Geoff Braasch, Eric Sorenson, Janice Flahiff and Noel Habib showed up.

Theresa moved to approve minutes from previous meeting and noted that there was a glitch in the taking of minutes. All were in agreement of approving the minutes.

Thresa moved that Deanna Lammie and Rachel Buff be appointed to fill the board vacancies and begin serving on the board of directors. Steve Miller seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in approving the motion .

The annual membership meeting was re-scheduled for Sunday October 14 at a yet to be determined location. Board member Connie Ward had volunteered at a previous board meeting to secure the location and a guest speaker. Mike Leonardi said he would help.

Helen said that the back entrance door needs to be replaced because it no longer fits properly making it hard to lock and not energy efficient. Also the floor needs to be stripped, waxed and some loose floor tiles to be replaced. Even though no vote was taken, the consensus was to try and fix the existing door and not replace it because it still locks securely and the energy efficient problem maybe solved by installing a plate along the bottom of it. The floor and tile issue was not resolved other than a recommendation to just cover the loose tile area with some type of mat or runner.

Helen reported that the donated salad bar is too large to fit into the door and too costly to bring in through the window. She suggested selling it or giving it away as it is just sitting in the parking lot outside. The board had no objection to that idea.

Helen reported that she hopes the newsletter will be finished by May 31. Steve agreed to have the safe foods committee write an article regarding how the consolidation and mergers within the foods industry may be affecting organic and whole foods processors and distributors.

Amjad said he would look into the credit card processing rate and fees the co-op is now paying in order to see if it is prudent to either renegotiate or switch to another processor.

Steve Miller announced that the Safe Foods committee is planning to organize and event for the 4th of July that would symbolically represent the people freeing themselves from the chains of GMO laden foods as the USA freed itself from British control.

Steve Miller proposed a motion that the board amend the agenda in order to include a discussion that would address a complaint by co-op employees stating that they were told they could not attend the board meeting. Michael Leonardi seconded the motion and all board members voted YES to amend the agenda and allow for the discussion except for Theresa Cragg who voted NO. The motion was passed.

During the discussion Janice Flahiff walked out of the meeting and did not return without stating a reason for doing so. The employees aired the complaint and it was made clear that board meetings are open to all or any member or employee and that they can not and should not be barred or pressured into not attending.

Noel Habib asked how much he would be paid by the co-op for the facade work he has been doing on the co-op building. He agreed upon suggestion that he should submit a post-bid for the work he has finished and what work yet left undone.

Anita entered a motion for the co-op to pay employees Eric Sorenson and Michelle Godsey money equal to three days of work in addition to the doctor’s fee resulting from them getting infected by another employee who should have been sent home by the general manager but was not. Amjad seconded that motion and all board members voted YES except Theresa Cragg who voted NO. The motion was passed.

The Financial/Office Manger job description was reviewed and with some minor amendments was passed by the board.

Interviews of job applicants by the board and Geof Braasch are to be conducted on Wednesday May 23, 2001.

The next board meeting was set for Tuesday May 22, 2001.